Bezpečnostní školení na FEL ČVUT

BEZB - Bezpečnost práce v elektrotechnice pro bakaláře

Information about the written exam (test):

  1. The test will be performed during semester according to programme of seminars and laboratories.
  2. The filled form of the test is fully official document and it is archived.
  3. The test has a format which is a modification of multiple-choice test.
  4. Directions for the test are:
    1. The correct comprehensive answer on given question is represented by selection from the list of partial answers.
    2. Identify all correct (best) partial answers from the list of partial answers given.
    3. Two types of errors are: when incorrect partial answer is marked or when marking of correct partial answer is missing.
    4. At least one incorrect answer and at least one correct answer exist for every item of the test.
    5. Maximum of 5 errors is allowed.


Poslední aktualizace : 17.9.2024